Thursday, September 4, 2014

Secrets to keeping harder erections for longer and Last Longer in Bed for Men

Most men are constantly searching for ways to get harder erections and sustain them longer during sex. This is among the sexual health issues that they normally have to deal with. 

Essentially, natural methods keeping an erection during sexual intercourse are the most ideal compared to taking pills and applying creams, which have been regarded as ineffective by a number of people. 

There several natural ways that are safe and healthy and unlike pills, which cause adverse side effects, they are known to help individuals in maintaining their erection. 

To begin with consume foods that are known to build erections and enhance the male’s sexual drive. Some foods are also known to increase the flow of blood throughout the body, including the happy places. In addition, kegel exercises are also very helpful because they aid in developing harder erections and mastering ejaculation. Ffor more on this please visit - how to keep an erection longer during sex. 

When it comes to pleasing your woman in terms of sex, being able to sustain an erection is of prime importance, and one of the workouts that can help you achieve this is kegel exercises. 

Additionally, there are masturbation techniques you can adopt, which help you in suppressing ejaculation. Two renowned methods include the squeeze and the start-stop techniques. The guy ought to start off by masturbating alone and stop the action immediately he gets close to climaxing. 

This should be done till the person has mastered the technique of getting stronger and longer erections.